Career Counseling for Women Over 50
We work with many women over the age of fifty who wrangle with two formidable challenges: the internal barrier of self-doubt and the unfortunate reality of ageism. We counsel women over 50 to assess their skill sets to more effectively position and message themselves for the workforce so that they don't feel the need to compromise their value or lower their sights.
Case Study: The Upside of Being Downsized
Sara* approached Kristin after her nonprofit position was cut during a reorganization. She battled both self-doubt and the challenge of finding well-compensated positions in non-profit program management.Cycling through questions like, How long will it take me to find another job? and How am I going to make ends meet?, she braced herself for a tough road ahead. Kristin and she collaborated to properly message herself for a shifting workforce, updating key technical skills and polishing her LinkedIn resume and cover letters, careful to populate these tools with appropriate keywords. They talked through her internal barriers like self-doubt and imposter syndrome and conspired to create tools to augment her ability to project confidence. Since Sara hadn't had to interview for a job in more than 10 year, she and Kristin completed two sessions dedicated to interview prep. In the end, she landed a better position than she'd previously held and enjoyed a new found self-possession and a strong belief in her own value and competence.
* Name changed to protect privacy.
Contact Kristin to schedule an appointment or schedule a free 20-minute call
Kristin Schuchman, MSW
Career Counselor
Solopreneur Coach
Spark a Career
6018 SE Stark St. @ Brightside Coworking
Kristin received her Master's in Social Work at Portland State University and trained as a counselor at the National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM).
Contact Kristin if you have questions.